Self-Impregnation In Halacha


According to this article it is conceivably possible for human beings to turn their bone marrow into sperm and impregnate without physical intercourse. My question is, when this becomes possible would a woman be allowed to impregnate herself with her own bone marrow, or would this be prohibited Arayot (likely incest)? Is this prohibited in Halacha?



  1. Until the subject becomes something that has a practical Halachic dimension to it, the contemporary Poskim will not deal with the matter in a definitive fashion. The reason for this approach is that it takes a huge amount of intellectual resources to investigate all the various Halachic dimensions and reach a final ruling. Because of this the Poskei HaDor, as a rule, do not deal with such complex and far-reaching issues until there is a definite need to do so.

    Best wishes from the Team