Kashering Liver


If I move into an apartment that does not have a gas stove how can I prepare fresh kosher liver so that it stays kosher? I have always prepared it in a flame broiler.

Thank you. Shabbat Shalom.



  1. The following is taken from the Star-K (https://www.star-k.org/articles/articles/1133/kashering-liver/):

    It is preferable to broil the liver on a fire source that is directly below the liver. If that is not feasible, one may broil liver from a heat source above the liver. Hence, it would be permissible to broil liver in a broiler or in an electric oven, if that is the only broiling source available. If the oven or broiler is used for kosher food as well, care should be taken to assure the blood does not splatter onto the oven or broiler cavity. Splatter blood will make the oven or broiler walls treif. A practical solution is to place a pan under the rack or grate to catch the dripping blood and juices. The pan will become treif. The rack or grate should not be used for anything except kashering liver, unless proper kosherization procedures are employed to kasher the grates, racks, and/or utensils.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team