Kashrut: Dentures and Braces


Do dentures and braces have to be kosher according to Halacha? Is there something that has to be done before Pesach? What about meat or dairy?



  1. Dentures do not have to be Kashered but they should be cleaned thoroughly after the last chametz meal. This can be done in a variety of ways, some people clean them in the normal fashion and then pour boiling water over them (obviously they should be removed from the mouth first!), others clean them using the regular cleaning fluids.

    I am assuming that the braces are not removable. If that is the case, the braces should be cleaned thoroughly with mouthwash and water. There is not much else that needs to be done. If the braces are removable they should be cleaned with solution and hot water.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team