Dear Rabbi, When and how is baby given a Jewish name according to tradition? Thanks!

Recently, i asked "Ask The Rabbi" a question and i have been waiting for an answer for about 2 months. Could you please let me know what is going on with my question and your answer? If you need me to re-ask it i will do so. just let me know accordingly.

Genesis 35:18 "And it came to pass, as her "soul" was departing, that she (Rachel) "called" his name Ben~Oni "son of my sorrow" but his father called him Binyamin "son of the right hand." Rabbi would you explain why Yaakov ignored Rachel's name for their son? Hebrew names are specific and descriptive regarding character or circumstance. Rachel experienced grievous labor with their son and died as a result. The baby indeed brought her much sorrow in childbirth. Of course, the name wasn't encouraging - however, many Hebrew names aren't always desirable, yet the are emeth, truth.

Shalom Rabbi. There's been discussion since the world began regarding "gender". As I pondered the LGBTQ label, I searched Torah for a definitive answer. It is my desire to respectfully sojourn this well trodden LGBTQ topic as Torah "truths" enlighten the way. Proverbs 23:23 Buy the "truth" and "sell" not; wisdom and instruction (Torah) and understanding. The double edged "torah" sword "slices" to the bone. Separating even unto joints and marrow. Distinguishing "treasure" from "trash" "holy" from "profane" "peculiar" from common, truth from lies. That said, I've "escavated" from the "Torah" treasury the word " Eshton" meaning "effeminate" spelled Aleph~Shin~Tav~Vav~Nun (a descendant of Kaleb of the tribe of Yhuwdah) 1Samuel 25:25 For as his "name" is, so is he. Eshton was "effeminate" ,womanish,unmanly, muliebrous. "Encrypted" within Eshton spelled Aleph~Shin~Vav ~Tav are the following : "esh" Aleph~Shin meaning fire,flame, burning (anger of G-d) Those of an Eshton "nature" provoke G-d to anger "uwth" Verb consent, agree spelled Aleph~Vav~Tav Anyone of an Eshton "nature" are "consensual" in "heart" and "deed" "owth" means "omen" "warning" spelled Aleph~Vav~Tav They who "practise" an Eshton "nature" are "obliterated" if they refuse to repent of their doings. " athown" means she-ass spelled Aleph~Tav~Vav~Nun ) Eshton "nature" denoting stiff neck rebellion. "attuwn" means fiery furnace " spelled" Aleph~Tav~Vav ~ Nun) conotates Eshton "nature" that "feigns" obedience to Torah and is "designated" "fuel" for the "fire". "own" means ability,wealth,power "spelled" Aleph~Vav~Nun )many of an Eshton "nature" possess great abilities , wealth and power "aven" means evil,sorrow, vanity, iniquity, idolatry, false,unrighteous "spelled" Aleph~Vav~Nun. The Eshton "nature" fosters vanity and profanity. "nuw" Verb means hinder, restrain,forbid, make averse "spelled" Nun~Vav~Aleph The Eshton "nature" has an "aversion" to the " internal " "eternal" light of Torah making it ineffectual for them. "ow" means desire,if "spelled" An Eshton "nature" is a "desired" choice of the "heart". " eth" means among,with, against ) All of an Eshton "nature" are "among" the Gentiles, mixed multitudes, heathens with "hellish" intentions. Torah infusion is the antidote of provention. Rabbi, is there any "validity" to this "exhaustive" yet "enthrallingly controversial study? I'm all ears! Best Wishes, Yishrah

At birth I was given a middle name that is not Jewish not by my parents. I never had a Brit but my mother and I have chosen the name David as my Jewish name. I was called up at my Bar Mitzvah to read the Torah with the name David. My question is, is this enough, should I officially have a naming ceremony. I no longer also wish to use the middle name that was given to me at birth not by my parents. And wish to replace it with David.

Dear Rabbi, I didn’t know my Hebrew name, so I asked my parents and they told me they never gave me one. Does this mean I can’t have a Hebrew name? Thanks

Is there a method within Jewish law to change one’s Hebrew name from the name one was assigned by their parents at birth for any reason, such as if one does not like their name?

These men: Chamuwl "spared" younger son of Perez) Yehudah grandson (Chet~Mem~Vav~Lamed) Nachum "comfort" Elkoshite prophet ( Nun~Chet~Vav~Mem) Manoach "rest" Danite father of Samson (Mem~Nun~Vav~Chet) all share something extraordinarily uncommon in common. All have these words "grace" (Chet~Nun), "rest" (Nun~Chet), "chuwm'" swarthy dark black (Chet~Vav~Mem) 1 Samuel 25:25 As his name is, so is "he" Did Chamuwl, Nachum, and Manoach have the Chet~Nun, "grace" of G-d, "rest" of G-d, Nun~Chet, as swarthy brethren with darker hues? Why do these men have chuwm in their names? Isn't it plausible that there is something definitive here? Should I question the unquestionable in the quest for emeth truth? After all, Isaiah 55:8 says: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways saith Hashem." Isaiah 55:9 says: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than you ways, and My thoughts your thoughts."