Dear Rabbi, I didn’t know my Hebrew name, so I asked my parents and they told me they never gave me one. Does this mean I can’t have a Hebrew name? Thanks

Is there a method within Jewish law to change one’s Hebrew name from the name one was assigned by their parents at birth for any reason, such as if one does not like their name?

These men: Chamuwl "spared" younger son of Perez) Yehudah grandson (Chet~Mem~Vav~Lamed) Nachum "comfort" Elkoshite prophet ( Nun~Chet~Vav~Mem) Manoach "rest" Danite father of Samson (Mem~Nun~Vav~Chet) all share something extraordinarily uncommon in common. All have these words "grace" (Chet~Nun), "rest" (Nun~Chet), "chuwm'" swarthy dark black (Chet~Vav~Mem) 1 Samuel 25:25 As his name is, so is "he" Did Chamuwl, Nachum, and Manoach have the Chet~Nun, "grace" of G-d, "rest" of G-d, Nun~Chet, as swarthy brethren with darker hues? Why do these men have chuwm in their names? Isn't it plausible that there is something definitive here? Should I question the unquestionable in the quest for emeth truth? After all, Isaiah 55:8 says: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways saith Hashem." Isaiah 55:9 says: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than you ways, and My thoughts your thoughts."

Esav: Ayin~Shin~Vav - concealed in yshuwah salvation (by G-d ) - Yud~Shin~Vav~Ayin~Hei Is there a connection?

Chamuwl meaning "spared" son of Perets and grandson of Yhuwdah 1Samuel 25:25 For as his name is, so is he; Does Chamuwl's name describe the individual bearing it? Chet~Mem~Vav~Lamed cham hot warm Chet~Mem meach fat rich Mem~Chet luwach a tablet of stone~wood~metal~to glisten Lamed~Vav~Chet chamal Verb to commiserate spare pity Chet~Mem~Lamed chuwm dark sunburnt swarthy black dark brown Chet~Vav~Mem Could Chamuwl's sunburnt sun kissed complexion be a mirror reflection of his father Perets and grandfather Yhuwdah?  

Hi Rabbi, we are new grandparents and have not been told what the newborn will be called at the baby’s naming ceremony. Is it usual to wait until after the ritual to tell the grandparents? Thank you.

Aloha Rabbi: My niece has a daughter named “Hadassah” and she is now expecting another girl! She wants to name her daughter “Hassina” but add an “h” to create = Hassinah Is that possible to do and retain the meaning of “Very Beautiful” ? Please lmk I also provided the link to Hebrew girls names that start with an H I REALLY NEED HELP FOR MY NEICE I appreciate your help Blessings & Shaloha Sanoe

Can someone be given a Hebrew name posthumously? Deceased had a Jewish mother with a Hebrew name and a Christian father. Also, can the daughter of this person, who is now an adult, be given a Hebrew name now, which she would like to have done?