The Torah in Vayikra 12:1-5 states a woman is separated like a niddah after childbirth. Does this law apply to egg donors whose eggs are fertilized in another woman?

In Halacha, is there an order of priority for who gets to wash Mayim Achronim first or last? So say multiple people are eating together, and one is a kohen or Levi or Talmid chacham or your parent, do you have to let them wash first (assuming everyone there practices it)? What if you finish eating before them?

According to Halacha, may a Jew sue another Jew through a beit din for the actions of a corporation the other Jew is invested in if that corporation is a limited liability structure under secular law? The reason I ask is because on the one hand it could be considered like they are exempt from personal liability due to Dina D’malchuta Dina but on the other hand since third parties didn’t consent to the limited liability contract it arguably doesn’t apply. In this case all/most shareholders are also Jews but nobody has a majority vote

In Halacha, is there a mitzvah of Bikur cholim to visit people who injured themselves, either by negligence or intentionally?

does the Halacha’s prohibitio of Chadash apply to one of the five grains grown hydroponically or no?

According to the Halacha, do less do yibbum with a mentally incompetent woman who’s a sister in law after your brother dies

According to Halacha, if a pregnant woman divorces the biological father of her baby while pregnant, what is the baby’s last name? How would it be determined in the scenario she gets married to another man, and what about if she is still single when she gives birth? Citations please

Thanks, but you misunderstood, my question was about Mamzer eggs in a non Mamzer gestational mother, conceived normally. It matters as there is view that kids can have 2 moms, if 1 is a Mamzer and 1 is not would it pass from the egg mom if the gestational mom isn’t one

In Halacha, is there a requirement for a Jewish adult to do the redemption of revai with a coin, or is it permissible for them to give a coin to a gentile as shaliach to do it? They are not obligated against Orlah, but is the monetary redemption of Revai a mitzvah which requires a Jew who is obligated to do it or merely a monetary action which anyone can do?