I was wondering if you could tell me what the halacha says about what to do in terms of hostage negotiations. What is the right thing to do to get hostages back? Is exchanging 100s of terrorists and criminals for less than a handful of hostages both dead and alive the correct course of action? I just wondered considering the chances that these people can then potentially kill so many more people. I look forward to hearing your response. Regards   Hayley

Dear Rabbi, I saw a video of an IDF soldier in Gaza who showed that he has a 20 NIS bill tucked in a special pocket on his sleeve near his shoulder. Is this some kind of a Jewish custom or just another place to keep money in addition to his regular pocket? Thanks

Dear Rabbi, The Torah was given at Mount Sinai in the desert wilderness before the Jewish People entered Israel. But why wasn’t it given in Israel? Since Israel was given by God to the Jews to be a holy land for a holy nation, wouldn’t it make more sense to receive the holy Torah in the holy place of Israel instead? Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, During the recent war I’ve seen video clips of Israeli soldiers and civilians singing and saying “Am Yisrael Chai.” It seems to be an expression of elation and triumph. What does it mean and where does it come from? Thanks

Dear Rabbi, I was contacted by a group in Israel to volunteer visiting wounded soldiers in the hospital on occasion. Sounds good and I am wondering if this is mitzvah and what should be the goal my going? Thanks!

In terms of friendship, the answer is obvious--we keep a distance--in business, however, there is the question as to What obligation the modern Torah-Observant Jew has towards homosexuals who are open about their sexuality, since in the Diaspora we do business with a variety of individuals and we are not allowed to discriminate. In Leviticus 20:13 we learn that Hashem has instructed Israel to impose the harshest of all possible punishments for the sin of homosexual relations among men. My question is this: If the Halacha does not change with the times, are we to interpret the same punishment is still valid today for a modern day Israel --which is a nationalist state and not a Theocracy? Is this punishment not reserved for a Theocracy whereby the Moshiach is our leader? BECAUSE.....If that punishment were to be followed, it would be devastating to Israel's relations with other countries--especially Europe-- which has a more tolerant policy, and that lack of business that would result would create further damage to our ability to do other mitzvot. Therefore, what is Modern day Israel obligated to in terms of relations with sexually immoral individuals (many of whom are Israelis)

Dear Rabbi, What prayer can I do to ask for protection for the people of Israel? Thank you

I, in fact, don't know anyone that supports Hamas since i only have contact with my Jewish community, but if i ever made contact with someone who supports Palestine/Hamas, how could i convince them that it is wrong?