Following the horrific massacre of Jews in Pittsburgh during Shabbat prayers by an anti-Semite, I was wondering why is there anti-Semitism?

What is the cultural and historical setting of the Genesis account of Abram passing off his wife Sarai as his sister to Pharoah? 2. Same scenario for Isaac and Rebekah and King Abemilech. 3. What does Jewish history say about Melchizedek, High Priest of Salem?

Dear Rabbi, when was the first rain? Did rain begin falling only during Noah's time? Was the mist mentioned in Gen. 2:6 “And a mist ascended from the earth and watered the entire surface of the ground” (Gen. 2:6) the only watering agent until the flood in Noah's days? Thanks.

What is the origin of the word “Hebrew” and what does it mean?

There are many people in the Torah. The righteous are Abraham, Job, and so on. There are many wicked people like Bilaam, Haman, and so on. Who do you think is the most wicked character in Torah? Haman? Esau? Or some other person?