(See the final paragraph...) Isaiah 29:10 For Hashem has "poured" out upon you the "spirit" of tardemah "deep sleep", and have "closed" your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers has HE covered. Isaiah 29:11 And the "vision" of all is become unto you as a book that is sealed, which deliver to one that is "learned" saying Read this, I pray thee: and he says, I cannot; for it is sealed Isaiah 29:12 And the "book " is delivered to him that is not "learned" , saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he says, I am not "learned". Isaiah 29:13 Wherefore Adonay said, For as this people "draw near" with their mouth, and with their lips to honour ME, but have "removed" their "heart" "far " from ME, and their fear (respect,awe,reverence) toward ME is "taught" by the "mitzvah" of men : Isaiah 29:14 Therefore , behold , I will proceed to do a " pala" [ Pei~Lamed~Aleph verb be beyond one's power, surpassing, extraordinary, distinguish as separate] " work' among this people a "pala" work [marvelous, beyond one's power] and a "pala" [wonder]: for the "wisdom" of their wise men shall "perish" and the understanding of their "prudent" shall be " hid". Jeremiah 31: 33 But this shall be the "covenant" [New covenabr Jeremiah 31:31] that I will make with the house of Yisrael; [ Psalms 73:1 Yisrael clean heart] After those days, saith YHVH, I will put MY "torah" in their "inward parts" (heart) and " write" it in their "hearts"; and will be their Hashem, and they shall be My people. Jeremiah 31:34 And they shall "teach " NO MORE every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know YHVH; for they shall all know ME from the least to the greatest of them says YHVH: for I will forgive their "iniquity" and not remember their sin. Hashem has poured out "deep lethargic comatose" tardemah sleep upon the rebellious,stiff necked, lofty, filthy, heathen inhabitants of earth. From the prophet to the politicians & unethical physicians: all are beguiling, brutish, beastly , greedy for gain. Tardemah spelled Tav~Dalet~Mem Hei has these words woven within it. [ marad~verb~ means rebel, revolt against G-d, light, human king] [ hadar~verb~means to be proud, lofty, swell up, honour self] [radah~verb~means to rule,subjugate, prevail ] [tidhar~means enduring, lasting] radam~Verb~means be in a deep dead sleep, comatose, carnal fleshy, devoid of spiritual insight light ] [adam~means hypocrite, common sort, low degree] [middah~means~ portion garment,toil,tribute height,great stature,measure] [dath~means statue,royal edict, law decree, manner] These tardemah times incite anarchy, lawlessness, loftiness, lewedness, liars, lack, oppression, regression, brutish beastly behavior, hypocrisy, subjugation, egregious gain. The inhabitants of this world are in an "adam" deep gross darkness sleep devoid of Spiritual !ight. They are blind stumbling at noon day as it were night. Torah is sealed off to the "learned" (scholar,rabbi,priest, preacher,prophet) and Torah is sealed off to the "unlearned". The learned and the unlearned share the same "vision". They are taught to respect G-d according to men's thoughts,opinions, and precepts. They offer Hashem" lip service" (religion outter rituals ) but their "hearts " are far, far, so far away from Him. Hashem declares He needs No man( prophet,rabbi, priest,pastor,evangelist) to "teach" His people (Jeremiah 31:34) Jeremiah 31:33 Hashem shall in theses (2022) days put His torah in His people's inward parts(hearts) and " write" it in His people's hearts (new covenant) Hashem will be their G-d and Yisrael( Psalm 73:1 clean heart) shall be His people. Hashem is now this day doing in these times a "pala" (beyond ones power divine) work. Hashem is "refining" as pure gold internally by His omnipotent Presence His chosen rare, royal,remnant people by His Spirit and not by "blood" genealogy. This is the " New Covenant " hoped for in these "treacherous tardemah times. Be not deceived! Its all an internal holy Spiritual work with external righteous manifestations. We don't need men to guide us . Hashem's internal light is the eternal guiding light. So why are Jewish people trying to keep 613 laws that their forefathers have broken? When Moshe cast down the first tablet 613 1st covenant laws wasn't that confirmation that the children of Yisrael had broken covenant. Moshe came down with a second tablet. Could this have been the seven Noahide laws? Why would Hashem rewrite the same 613 laws knowing the people were not able to ever keep them as of even this day?  

While studying this weekend, I came across a parsha which is somewhat confusing. After inquiring on the internet, I have yet to find an orthodox or Hasidic site explanation of the following text. What is Hashem telling Jeremiah? Jeremiah 8:8-9 How can you say, “We are wise, And we possess the Instruction of the LORD”? Assuredly, from the lying pens of scribes! The wise shall be put to shame, Shall be dismayed and caught; See, they reject the word of the LORD, So their wisdom amounts to nothing. אֵיכָ֤ה תֹֽאמְרוּ֙ חֲכָמִ֣ים אֲנַ֔חְנוּ וְתוֹרַ֥ת יְהֹוָ֖ה אִתָּ֑נוּ אָכֵן֙ הִנֵּ֣ה לַשֶּׁ֣קֶר עָשָׂ֔ה עֵ֖ט שֶׁ֥קֶר סֹפְרִֽים׃ הֹבִ֣שׁוּ חֲכָמִ֔ים חַ֖תּוּ וַיִּלָּכֵ֑דוּ הִנֵּ֤ה בִדְבַר־יְהֹוָה֙ מָאָ֔סוּ וְחׇכְמַ֥ת מֶ֖ה לָהֶֽם Are these scribes those who interpret the written Torah for the Jewish people? B"H

Dear Rabbi, I know in the Torah that God specifically commands us to love Him, the stranger and our neighbors. But, in the Torah does God specifically state that He loves us? Thanks!

Hi Rabbi First off, Thank you so much for this site. It's so helpful to have such a resource for Jews with questions I recently learnt about the Native Americans and their culture. It was a gruesome, horrifying account of human sacrifice, warring nations, and lots of brutal, religious practices. I remember learning that G-d made everything for the Jewish people and so I can't help but wonder: Why did G-d make this nation of millions of people? What was their purpose? Did G-d pay them any mind while they were living so separated from the rest of the world? In addition, the only way for a non-Jew to earn olam haba is by keeping the 7 Noachide laws. These Native Americans had no opportunity to learn about these things and so naturally they served idols, murdered, and lived cruelly. Again, what was the point in having so many millions of souls come into this world and live such lives? Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer

This is a difficult and extremely sensitive question that has stirred within my soul. I fully understand atrocities such as the Atlantic slave trade, the Holocaust,Trail of Tears , ethnic cleansing and genocide. This mirrors the spirit of Amaleq. It is a base,reprobate & murderous nature infused with superiority idealogy. Doesn't torah exempt obedient people of God's irrefutable covenant from such heinous acts ? Micah 2:7 Do not MY words do good to them that walk uprightly? Psalms 74:20 Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of habitations of cruelty. 1Samuel 14:6 For there is no restraint to YHVH to save by many or by few. Psalms 73:1 Truly G-d is good to Yisrael,to such as have a clean heart. Psalms 19:11 Moreover by them(judgements of G-d) is your servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. 2Chronicles 19:7 For there is no iniquity with YHVH our G-d,nor respect of persons,nor taking of gifts. Proverbs 24:23 These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment. I realize all the situations mentioned above slavery, Trail of Tears,ethic cleansing,genocide correspond to gowy nations. Man's inhumanity to men. Torah coverage didn't apply. Unfortunate indeed! Yet the holocaust baffles the mind. Why did the Jews have to suffer this way? Proverbs 24:11 If thou for bear to deliver them that are drawn unto death,and those that are ready to be slain; Proverbs 24:12 If thou say,Behold we knew it not;Does not He that ponders the heart consider it? and He that keeps they soul, does He not know it? and shall He render to every man according to his works? Numbers 23:19 El not a man that He should lie. I sincerely hope you can clarify this?

How can God have control over the world if we have choice? I can choose to kill myself and God won’t make a miracle to stop it, therefore I have control. And He doesn’t. How is that?

I believe God is the all possibilities in the universe. If God is all powerful, then He is it and it is Him. Also, this explains God's plan thing, because He needs everything - good or bad - just to exist. I want to know what a rabbi thinks of this thought.

Hello, I have some confusion reading the book of Samuel. Using the premise that God knows the past and future. (Isaiah 46:10) Here is confusion: God chose Saul to be king, later God says he is grieved that he made Saul king. How can God grieve a decision to make Saul king when He knew already Saul would be a bad choice for king? Human example: Let's say a person wanted to buy a home on a particular river and did not want it to be ever flooded. So he finds a lot available for sale on the river. Now this person knows that in the future the river will flood that lot every year for the next 10 years because he knows the future that it will flood. How could that person grieve his choice to buy the lot knowing it will flood??? It just makes no sense to me.      

Hi Rabbi, I write while thinking about the ongoing rescue/recovery efforts after the Surfside building collapse. So many caring people are risking so much to help in any way possible. I am not asking why it happened, but would like to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you for this valuable service.