Is one who is so poor that they are in dire straits and desperate for money allowed to recite a personal petitionary prayer to G-d for a parnassa on Shabbat?

Couldn't the Jewish nation as a group, or individually, invoke the prayer for finding lost items, in the merit of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, to find the hostages in Gaza?

I'm a teenager and I'm thinking about converting next year when I go to college; I read parts of the Torah and I truly believe it, however I was wondering how modern scientific concepts fit into Judaism. Do science and the Torah work together, is science incorrect, are some parts of the Torah outdated and need to be updated in the modern world (I think not)? These are my main questions, and if I could get clarification on these topics it would mean the world to me. I'm not trying to question anything in a disrespectful way (though I've heard that in Judaism it's more acceptable to question, unlike Christianity how I grew up where you follow blindly) This is what I'm wondering: Why are there other planets? How do you explain modern evolution theories? Are they incorrect or can they fit with the scriptures? If it's the year 5785, how is the Earth so old? Thank you so much!!

Muslims have found what seems to be contraadictions in the Torah. What do we say about that?

Hello, Why is the Tashlich ceremony before Yom Kippur? My daughter and I both felt it would be so wonderful after Yom Kippur; after searching our hearts and repenting we could celebrate the forgiveness of our sins. Rosh HaShanah seems too early to do it. And I've read you can do it up until Simchas Torah, but I've never heard of anyone doing it after Rosh HaShanah. Really appreciate your answer to this; thank you.

Is it permissible to recite the 13 attributes of G-D in English if one is not in a minyan?

How was year one of Jewish history determined? How did it come to pass that we are beginning the year 5785 with the coming new year?