Hi I just got up from sitting for my mother and had time for some life introspection. My question is as follows: How on earth is the system that God created where we are brought to this earth against any choice with instincts and tendencies that diametrically oppose the rules we are to follow, and if we break these rules (as I have, too many times to count) can expect to experience unimaginable torment in the next world for who knows how long, fair in any way? I mean, seriously, if this was a business proposal, I'd laugh you out of my office . Talk about risk/reward. I know there is no easy answer. Maybe there's a book you can recommend to offer some insight? Thank you

There is a concept of the eternal sin in Christianity. Any sin can be forgiven, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. Is there any concept of unforgivable sin in Judaism?

Crime in the world is increasing, but why doesn't God destroy the earth like happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

Why does God have an ego? For example: I am the Lord... you shall put no other before me. Thanks

My dear child came home from school today with a question I hope you don’t find too strange: "What makes God laugh?" How do you advise I answer? Thank you for this service.