As we’ve seen, the Gregorian date October 7 has been remembered as the anniversary of the tragedy last year. But will Shemini Atzeret also be thought of as a sad day for the foreseeable future? Will festivities on Shemini Atzeret be curtailed this year or any future years in memory of those who perished? Will any memorial services be held?

From what I’ve understood about the Holocaust, there were some Jews whose lives were spared, at least temporarily, in exchange for them working to manufacture various items for the Nazis. What they were manufacturing in some cases were items the Nazis needed in order to murder other Jews. Many Jews ultimately survived the Holocaust this way. Was this work that these Jews did forbidden by Jewish law on the basis that they were contributing to the murder of their fellow Jews?

Dear Rabbi, This is so embarrassing. We are horrified and don’t know what to do. We are not Jewish. We are Catholic, but most of our close friends are Jewish. We are strong supporters of the Jewish people and the state of Israel, where we have been. We have attended the bar and bat mitzvahs of the children of our friends. We have been to Passover seders. Some of our friends consider us honorary Jews. We have a beautiful 19-year-old mentally challenged daughter who lives with us. She doesn’t appear visibly handicapped. Anyone who meets her might think she is smart by the way she talks. She has been with us to the Sabbath and holiday meals of our friends and to bar and bat mitzvahs and Jewish weddings and to Israel too. And she has Jewish friends she hangs around. We live across the street from a public park. Recently, an anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protest rally was staged at this park. We were at work during the day when it happened and would probably not have known about it if not for what happened with our daughter. It was a day she had off from her job at a restaurant. She saw the rally outside the window and became curious. She walked across the street into the crowd, not knowing what she was getting into. All the organizers wanted was a body and perhaps someone noticed her naivety. They gave her a Palestinian flag to wave and a sign that read “Free Palestine” under the guise of it being a human rights cause. Just as luck would have it, a reporter snapped a photo of whom he perceived was a beautiful young woman with an eye-catching smile at that very moment. That photo appeared on the front page of our local newspaper. The picture has apparently gone viral on social media. She does not have the mind to comprehend the situation in the Middle East, no matter how much we try to explain it to her. She has no recognition that those people or their cause are bad. She does not understand the implication of what she did. All she understands is that she was on the front page of the paper. And she is proud of her 15 minutes of fame. Wherever we go with her in public now, strangers are approaching us and saying they recognize her from the news. She wants to be wanted, and when someone put her in the spotlight, it made her feel important. We are in shock.

Dear rabbi, My best friend of 7 years has gotten fairly antisemitic recently, which is strange for me as an ethnic jew. I'm not very religious, but my mom is an Ashkenazi jew. he's been to my family seder and attended the first night of Chanukah with us, and has always been accepting of us. What should I do?

Dear Rabbi, What prayer can I do to ask for protection for the people of Israel? Thank you

Since Canaanites are Semites and Semites claim to be Jews, that would mean Jews are Canaanites with Canaanite blood. Perhaps you are mistaken and it's Ju's who are both Semites as well Ju's. That makes sense doesn't it Rabbi? Ju for Judah, Judea, Judean, Judge, Jury, Jurisprudence, Justice; not Jewda, Jewdea, Jewdean, Jewdge Jewry or Jewrisprudence. Most of Yahudi are proficient in Hebrew but not so proficient in English. I am a Letter scholar in English so I know what I am talking about. A 'Jew' is a Aryan Druidic priest, originating in Ireland. The English word 'Jew' originates with the Irish Yew Tree. The Aryan Druidic Priesthood holds the Yew tree sacred and took their name Jew from it. What we seem to have is a case of plagiarism, does it not? The Druidic priesthood and Aryan nations worldwide deserve an apology from the Ju's for all of the evil perpetrated by crypto-Jew Ju's. ew = we J, not u J. J = We Johns 111 aka Jack n Jew not U n Ju. YHVH = JHVH. Y=J in English. V = U in Roman. U+ U = Double U or W. JHWH. YHWH = YaHu We He (plural). Yahu = Saturn JHWH = JoH(n) We He (plural). Joh (n) = Satan Saturn/Moloch = your G-d (Charles 111) Windsor Satan/Jesus = our God (John 111) Chapman Vowels a e i o u y + JHWH = JoH We Vowels: a e i o u y JoH We He  

Shalom rabbi. I have noticed racism is a worldwide problem. Anti-Semitism is racism as I heard. I have faced racism also. Not only me, many people are facing problem for racism. When I and my friends comment in youtube, many racists attack us without any reason. I have noticed that most of the racism is expressed in facebook and youtube comments. When I began to ask them are you racist, then they tell me that no, "you are racist". That is like the matter a thief caught red-handed and telling the witness that I am not a thief, you are a thief! Does anti-Semitism come as a result of jealousy?

A number of popular entertainers (e.g. Kanye West) hold rabidly antisemitic views and make no secret of it. Yet their works are still enjoyable. What is the Halacha when it comes to benefiting from their works? Is it permitted, for example, to listen to and enjoy their songs on the radio, whereas the listener gives them no money (although the radio station pays them)? How about being a fan and telling others that you like their music? How about purchasing something that includes their works, in which each purchase gives them a minute amount of money? How about attending a live show or concert where they receive money from each ticket sold? How about reading a book by an author, living or dead, who is an avowed antisemite, whether the book itself has antisemitic content or not?