When Jews escaped to Japanese-controlled Shanghai, China during World War II, why didn’t the Japanese treat the Jews like their German allies did?

After the conversion of my grandparent to the Christianity, my family goes to church. I grow up reading the christian new testament. There, orthodox Jews are depicted as evil hypocrites. But when I observe orthodox Jews, all I see is a group of harmless people who love to study Torah and share it with other people! I cannot understand why Jesus said that orthodox Jews are demonic. Why is Christianity so hostile to Judaism?

Is Jesus responsible for the Holocaust? If so, how much?

Following the horrific massacre of Jews in Pittsburgh during Shabbat prayers by an anti-Semite, I was wondering why is there anti-Semitism?

What do you think is one thing that non-Jews believe about Jews that is often misinformed or flat out incorrect? I'm asking in strictly a religious sense rather than relating to Israel or the Palestinian conflict.

what can be considered the first incident/s of antisemitic, or shall we say antiJewish act or/and demonstration of hatred towords Jewish ideas and way of life? Is it right to assum that haterd towords the Jewish phylosophy of life precedes the emergens of Jews as a nation or as individual?