Gmar chasima tova! All our tzadikim, Avraham, Yitzchok, Yaakov, that are in olam Habah right next to the kisay hakavod. What are they lacking that won’t be fulfilled till mashiach comes and they get tichias hameisim- what is so great about techies hameisim as opposed to olam habah?

How does Judaism explain near death experiences where people who died and were resuscitated have an out of body experience? If Judaism is the true religion then why do people from other religions see or hear things about their religion during an NDE? For example Christians who have NDE often report seeing or hearing yoshko during an NDE whereas Chabad Jews often report seeing the Rebbe during an NDE. Also why do Jews and non Jews alike experience similar NDE for example seeing a bright light at the end of a tunnel , seeing memories of their entire life, seeing deceased relatives etc?

What do Jews believe about the afterlife and what happens after death? What does scripture say about it?

Iyowb 38:33 Know thou the ordinances of heaven? can thou set {Shin Vav Mem suwn verb ordain establish fix constitute appoint} the dominion {Mem Shin Tet Resh mishtar jurisdiction rule authority} in earth? Secretly tucked in dominion Mem Shin Tet Resh are these words Shin Tet Mem satam verb to hate , oppose, bear a grudge , cherish animosity Shin Tet set departure from right deeds that swerve , rebellion, revolter , that turn aside Resh Tet Shin ratash verb dash down, dash in pieces Shin Resh Tet sarat verb cut,to incise, to gash, to scratch, to tattoo Shin Tet Resh shoter scribe, official, overseer ,ruler,magistrate Shin Mem Resh shimmur night watch vigil observance Shin Mem Resh shemer something preserved , lees, dregs Shin Mem Resh verb shaman to hedge about, guard, protect,treasure, keep in memory Resh Mem Shin ramas verb creep,crawl, move lightly, glide swiftly,swarm, glide of water animals All these words connect and reveal something greater is at play. Hatred {satam Shin Tet Mem} and sin {set Shin Tet } are prevailing principalities in people of earth. Clearly earth isn't meant to be a permanent habitat. So what is the process to prepare us for our eternal home?

Are people aware that they are going to die prior to their death? If yes, where does this awareness come from? If it’s from their physical consciousness, can people who are not physically conscious (e.g people in a coma) also feel it?

If a mind, body and soul are connected, and the soul knows it's supposed to be on earth to do mitzvos, why do some peoples' minds tells them there is no purpose to their life?

Dear Rabbi, I learned that one rabbi had a dream about the World to Come, and that it was an upside down world where the uplifted in This World become humbled, and the humbled in This World become uplifted. What does it mean to be uplifted or humbled in the World to Come? Does it mean to become rich or poor? Apparently this story does no't mean that we have to be homeless to become uplifted in the World to Come, does it? Thank you!  

Shalom Alekhem ! I'm Omar Zeeshan Noor im from the tribe of King Soul im in the sons of Afghan im from the tribe of Binyamin im from Pakhtoon family in Pakistan Sir, i have to ask a question My Question is : " WHAT JUDAISM SAYS ABOUT AFTER LIFE "