Hi Rabbi, Is Judaism able to identify the descendants of King David in the modern world? If 'Yes' — who are they? And if not, when did the line end? Thank you.

Dear Rabbi, why is there a custom that some people say to others, “May you live until 120”? Why that number? Thanks!

"Nadab and Abihu, however, died before the Lord, when they made an offering with unauthorized fire before Him in the Desert of Sinai. They had no sons, so Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests during the lifetime of their father Aaron." (Numbers3:4). What is meant by "unauthorized fire"?

Dear Rabbi, every Friday I make Challah for Shabbat. But I have no idea why I braid the Challahs I make, other than that’s what everyone else does! Is there any significance to braiding Challah?

Shalom. I named my daughter Isabella. In studying Hebrew, I have become concerned that her name does not mean what I had been told. I believed her name meant devoted to God. But I have since discovered that her name is the same as Jezebel איזבל I am getting several different interpretations of Jezebel, including island dwelling and the word dung -“zebul”. Is there another way to interpret her name, especially if I spell it in Hebrew differently using a shin? I have elementary Hebrew understanding at this point, but could not her name mean either “woman to God” or “salvation to God”? How would I spell it? אישהבעל או ישהבעל Also what alteration in meaning would occur to add ה to the end? One online translation interpreted Ishabela to mean “there is no God”! Which obviously I wish to avoid. Thank you!

"If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it." (Shemot 20:25) So, how was the altar made?