Hi rabbi - I asked the question about lighting candles with a lighter. If I am sphardi and my wife is ashkenaz does she change how she lights Shabbat candles to the sphardi custom or continue to say the bracha after lighting like her mom does?

If one received a package in the mail that contained food during shabbat. May one open the package to consume the food on shabbat?

Shalom. I want to ask of your opinion about Thoth the Atlantean and also about the Emerald tablets. What is your opinion about that? And about what you think about giants, were all giants evil? We killed them accordingly from Torah tellings. And so, I was explained to from another Rabbi , that some of us humans do have some giant DNA in us. Kol tov, shabbat shalom, Chaim Jeshurun    

Our shul on shabbat starts shachrit at 930 and usually we dont get home till 1pm. I am usually up much earlier (6/7am) and say the karbanot and say shema to make zman. We have young kids as well. We usually say kiddush/hamotzi and have breakfast before going to shul. Is this allowed? If it isnt allowed, how can we make it permissible given waiting till 1pm to eat breakfast is painful. Thank you!

can I go on a docked boat before shabbos and keep shabbat on it while it is docked in the same place? What if the gang plank is up but it isnt moving? Can I walk on and off it on shabbos?

If you have a hot water urn that you set before Shabbat, and then during Shabbat, the power goes out and the water cools down, and then later, the power returns and the water is reheated without any human intervention, is it permitted to use that hot water on Shabbat?

What are the restrictions regarding modern convivences which have become part of daily life in the past 150 years e.g. telephones, cars, stoves etc. Who in the Jewish community, invited appliance corporations to decide that stoves should replace personal control over how Sabbat is observed.

What is the heter many Hasidim, and some non Hasidim, seem to use to permit dancing/clapping on Shabbat despite the clear gezeirah in Mishnah Beitzah