Please answer for me the meaning of the word Sabbath (Shabbat) in Hebrew. I have read that "Sha" means "The Eternal One," "Ab" is the root word for "Abba" or Father, and "bath" or "beth" means "house of" or "sign of," which would give the meaning of the word Sabbath as = "Sign of the Eternal Father." Is this right? And if not, please correct where it is wrong. For instance, could it be "bat" or "bet" instead of "bath"/"beth"? Thank you!

Hello, I hope you are well. I have been searching for an answer to a literary question. It's one that has various answers across the internet and I cannot find a consensus. It's regarding Steinbeck's East of Eden. In the book, he threads the idea of a word he claims has been mistranslated in Christian bibles, Timshel. He says that some scholars translate it as, "thou shalt," and others as, "do thou," but the true translation is "thou mayest." The word appears in Genesis 4:16 according to Steinbeck. Here is a link to the passage in the book, In my research, I've had scholars tell me that he's correct, or that "thou shalt" is the correct translation, and even that the word Timshel is not a real word in Hebrew. I love the passage and the sentiment in the book and would like to know if I should love it from a historical/faith perspective or only a literary perspective. Thank you for your time

Did the Old Testament's sacrificial lamb have to be white or could it be a black or brown lamb? Please note the Book and verse. Thank you.

Hi Rabbi, Is Judaism able to identify the descendants of King David in the modern world? If 'Yes' — who are they? And if not, when did the line end? Thank you.

Dear Rabbi, why is there a custom that some people say to others, “May you live until 120”? Why that number? Thanks!

"Nadab and Abihu, however, died before the Lord, when they made an offering with unauthorized fire before Him in the Desert of Sinai. They had no sons, so Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests during the lifetime of their father Aaron." (Numbers3:4). What is meant by "unauthorized fire"?