Mental Health Resources


Hello, thank you for taking the time and for the constant wisdom that pours forth from you.
I am challenged by some pretty serious mental health matters that I am receiving treatment for. Much of the time, these matters tend to overlap with my service of Hashem and the destructive forces within me will take advantage of my attachment to Yiddishkeit by drawing me into obsession, compulsion, isolation and other spirals. Truly, however, we are to serve Hashem with joy!
I am not asking you to give me some piece of wisdom that will replace my family, friends, local Jewish community and the incredible nurses, doctors, social workers, etc. who have diligently supported me through this process.
I would, however, appreciate some insight on this from our tradition if you know of any. Anything from books, to teachers, to words of wisdom from Torah and Chassidus etc. etc. I feel these items would make a big difference and help to integrate my treatment in a way that is even more apparent. Even a kind word is appreciated. Thank you very much.



  1. Personally, I would suggest that you read any of Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twersky’s books. I would also suggest that you try any of Rabbi Ezriel Tauber’s books. Perhaps the most famous works in In the English speaking world of Chassidus are those of Rabbi Shalom Arush.

    Best wishes from the Team