Shalom. I want to ask of your opinion about Thoth the Atlantean and also about the Emerald tablets. What is your opinion about that? And about what you think about giants, were all giants evil? We killed them accordingly from Torah tellings. And so, I was explained to from another Rabbi , that some of us humans do have some giant DNA in us. Kol tov, shabbat shalom, Chaim Jeshurun    

In Halacha, Jews are forbidden from having animals do prohibited melachot on Shabbat. My question is, is there any issur of Lifnei iver with animals, or no, since animals don’t have the same free will humans do? As an example, putting an electronic color on a dog, which the dog could activate on Shabbat, before Shabbat would be setting the animal up to cause melacha on Shabbat, so would it be Lifnei iver?

I will soon be traveling to Saudi Arabia for business and spending 3 weeks there. I don’t know what to expect. What is some advice you have for coping as a Jew in Saudi Arabia?

The local kosher bakery, which is owned by Orthodox Jews and is under rabbinical supervision and caters mainly to the Jewish community, sells cookies and pastries with the themes and images of non-Jewish holidays. How is this permitted?

I might be on the jury in the penalty phase of a capital murder case. I could be one of the people tasked with making the decision whether the defendant who has already been convicted of first degree murder will get life in prison without parole or the death penalty. Does Halacha permit me to vote in favor of the death penalty?

Is there a halachic problem with Henna?

Dear Rabbi, I was watching the funeral of a fallen Israeli soldier the other day at the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. It was sad and I’m sure mine were not the only dry eyes. While watching, I remember hearing a custom for anyone who visits a grave to place a small stone on the headstone. What is the reason for this practice? Thanks, Rabbi!