Kashering Utensils


We have an apartment in Tel Aviv which we are going to let a family from Sderot stay in while the war is on. They do not keep kosher and I wonder if once they have used my dishes and pots etc., if I can use them afterwards if they are toiveled?



  1. Please know that I am inspired by your desire to help those in such great need right now.

    Your question is extremely complex. Toiveling any utensils without Kashering them first will not make them Kosher. As well as that, I would imagine that a lot of your kitchenware cannot be Kashered at all, which means that they would have to be thrown out. For example, plates and ceramics that were used for hot food, cannot be Kashered. Silverware, on the other hand, can be Kashered. Pots and pans can (mostly) be Kashered unless they have a Teflon coating. Silicone utensils are less problematic, as silicone is considered to be impervious.

    As you can see, it is a complicated situation. I am sure that there are so many other Kashrus details that would have to be worked out once the family has left.

    May there be peace throughout the Land, and may all those who live in Sderot and all over the south and north of Israel be able to return to their homes, very, very soon.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team