A Reminder for Davening Ma’ariv


Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. When the halacha says in order to eat after nightfall before davening ma’ariv, you must set an alarm or appoint someone to remind you, does this only apply to during the meal? Like after you finish bentsching, would you still have to keep the alarm clock on until you actually daven, or can you turn the alarm off after you bentsch. Thanks. Happy Purim.



  1. It is only required for the duration of the meal. The reason is because a person can become distracted when they are eating to the point that they forget about davening altogether. Having said that, if a person is absentminded, it would be very much recommended that they set themselves an alarm to remind them that they haven’t davened yet.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team