Hello, Cooked Pesach meals for Shabbos Hagadol in Pesach pans and dishes but used iodized salt by mistake as I was not aware it may be chometz for Ashkenaz. Do I need new dishes? pots? Thank you Rf

I am a vegetarian by choice - Ashkenazi. May I eat kitniot on Pesach?

Is swimming / hanging out in a pool allowed during Chag of pesach?

Is there any etymological relation between the words chametz and matzah? They do share the מ and the צ in that order in common. But the letter ח is normally not a modifier in the Hebrew language.

If I cook pancakes in less than 18 minutes (the way I’d do with matzah only with other ingredients), would it still be forbidden to eat? Why or why not? Thank you!

Hi, I have lettuce that I grew using hydroponics (not in the earth/dirt) can o use it for my seder? I’ve heard some say since it’s bracha is shehakol better not to use it… do we hold its bracha is shehakol? And can it be used lechatchila for the seder?

I have a cousin, who along with her husband, are Ashkenazim who eat kitniyot on Pesach in rebellious defiance of Ashkenazi guidelines. Her husband is a member of an internet group that believes kitniyot laws should be abolished. They want us to come spend the first two days of Pesach with them. What should we do?

Hi, Rabbi, Happy Passover! I see on the calendar that there a few days called the “Intermediate Days” of Passover. What are they all about? Thanks and happy Passover to you and the entire Gateways staff!