Hello, I am a student in a non Jewish college, getting my degree in ultrasound. It is a very intense program and there are many tasks and assignments that I need to complete daily. I already spoke to the director and she wanted to know what I can and can't do on Chol Hamoed. What are the laws/ leeways/ rules... regarding school work then. Am I allowed to go to classes then, can I do online assignments etc.?

I was thinking about the lulav from Sukkot and realized that, although Google says the different species in the lulav represent different body parts, the way they are placed together looks a bit phallic in shape. Do you believe this was intended? If not, could it be accepted as a symbol of fertility? Have you ever noticed this, or do I just have a dirty mind?

In Jewish tradition, what is the significance of the olive? From a culinary standpoint, it is something relatively minor. In modern times, it is eaten primarily as an accessory in salads and as a pizza topping, but is by no means a staple crop. It is also used to make olive oil, which is not the most popular type of oil, probably in part because of its high cost. In the Temple in Jerusalem, it was used to light the menorah, and some people use it for their Chanukah candles. With all that in mind, why is the olive valued so heavily more than other things we eat way more often?

Dear Rabbi, The Chanukah miracle: A flask with one night’s oil burned for eight nights. But since there was oil for one night, the miracle actually lasted only seven nights! So why is Chanukah eight nights and not seven? Thank you and Happy Chanukah

Does facetime or Zoom work for pirsumei nisa? Specifically, if I get home late at night and my family is sleeping the halacha requires to wake someone up to have pirsumei nisa. Can I facetime a friend to watch me light?

Am I allowed to buy stocks on chol hamoed in a situation where I will only be able to make money if I buy it now and not after yom Tov?

If a man has to choose between building his own sukkah and building his father’s, whose sukkah takes precedence? This is when his father is not strong enough to build one of his own and has no one else to help, and the son only has time and/or energy to build one, and the father and son do not live close enough to be able to share a sukkah during Yom Tov.