Some Poskim permit a Chamar Medina to be used on Passover if one can’t obtain wine for the four cups. According to the view it is a mitvzah to drink the fifth (I Believe from the Ran and maybe the Rambam), can a Chamar Medina be used for that as well? What about the view one doesn’t drink it but puts it for Eliyahu

I sold my shed online with OU. After Peasch I found chametz there. Can I eat it? Or do I need to throw it away?

Can haroset be made of literally anything you want? Like any types of fruits, nuts, or other KFP ingredients you wish? Or must one follow the tradition of their family or community?

A family member is traveling to our home, and will arrive on Pesach, I just found out and he can't change travel plans. Can I drive to pick him up when he arrives?

Can a plastic lunch box, a woven picnic basket, or any similar container designed for transporting food that is clean and dry that has previously been used often to carry chametz in smaller containers placed inside, but is clean at the moment, be used on Passover?

Hello, Cooked Pesach meals for Shabbos Hagadol in Pesach pans and dishes but used iodized salt by mistake as I was not aware it may be chometz for Ashkenaz. Do I need new dishes? pots? Thank you Rf

I am a vegetarian by choice - Ashkenazi. May I eat kitniot on Pesach?