I’m curious. Is a woman really required to fasten the top button of her blouse to be modestly dressed? My roommate and best friend is an Orthodox Jew. She always wears button-down shirts 24/7 with the top button fastened. She dresses like this no matter what the occasion. She loves the outdoors, as do I, and she hikes, bikes, and jogs in a blouse with the top buttoned. She dresses like this even in 100-degree heat. When she is doing nothing at home but sitting around, her top button is buttoned. And she dresses this way to sleep too! I have never seen anything like this before, but we’ve been close friends for five years now and she is unclear in her explanation. I don’t understand how she does this. I feel I’m being choked even if my top button is buttoned for even one second! I only feel comfortable in low cut or V-neck tops, preferably pullovers. I am not fully observant like her, but I do keep kosher at home out of necessity because we share a kitchen. I like wearing skirts or dresses most of the time for my own personal comfort, but not for religious reasons.

Dear Rabbi, Can you explain the significance of having a mezuzah on your house and its power to guard the household? Thank you!

Hi, Can a person do the mitzvah of shiluach hakein (sending away the mother bird) on the same nest more than one time? For instance, I did the mitzvah on the nest already but there was only one egg in the nest. Now it’s been 12 days and the mother bird is still sitting in the nest and there are 3 eggs there. Can I do the mitzvah again since it’s been a few days and there are more eggs, or will doing it twice be considered cruel to the mother bird? Thank you

Is having a ner tamid in a shul halacha or just custom? Also, is it halacha or just custom that the ner tamid always be lit?

This question is URGENT: My parents are concerned with my swimming, so they want me to join the swim team this summer. It is mixed swimming, so women are going to be there, and I am a boy, so I do not feel comfortable going. What is your personal opinion, and halachic opinion on this? answer is urgently needed!

Hi. I have the following question: Is it yichud if there are three girls/women (2 teens and one older women) and one man (older) in a house together? The older man and women are married, and one of the girls is a granddaughter. The older couple is not shomer Torah and mitzvos, the other two girls are. It would be for one night. If you need any other details, I am happy to supply. Thank you so much!