Hello, Thank you for your good work in offering wisdom to so many. I bought a new phone somewhat recently. The logo of the phone is a bird with a circle behind it. The circle is an outline of a circle so as to indicate it is behind the bird and the bird is flying over it. On starting up the phone, an animation plays of the bird flying up over the circle which is at first illuminated inside before being darkened as the bird freezes in front of it in the image that forms the logo for the phone. The bird "flies away" at shutdown. This is of concern because the name of the phone is also in direct reference to the sun, in a similar fashion (a compound word) as words like 'sunlight' or 'sun-tan'. The fact that the bird flies over it and the company name is also referencing the sun... all would then seem to imply that the outlined or illuminated circle is depicting the sun. It may even be stated somewhere that this is the case-- I have not looked in enough detail to know. Is the phone permitted to be used and looked at, including the logo, given the laws around depicting the sun etc.? Thank you.

We have an adolescent daughter who is academically very successful, which we are very pleased about, but religiously she is in with the wrong crowd and in danger of going off the derech. She acts very independent, which we mostly want to encourage, but she has been turning on proper observance in small steps. She has purchased with her own money that she has made from various jobs some untznius clothes that she is actively wearing. We want to stop her, but simply telling her how to dress only emboldens her to rebel more. If we were to take the untznius clothes away from her and dispose of them, is that our right as parents according to Halacha? Or does it constitute theft of another’s belongings?

Hi Rabbi, I am interested in increasing my Jewish studies and possibly adding some practice as well. Would you tell me about the reason and importance for the strings I see Jews wearing on some of their clothes? Thanks

I’m curious. Is a woman really required to fasten the top button of her blouse to be modestly dressed? My roommate and best friend is an Orthodox Jew. She always wears button-down shirts 24/7 with the top button fastened. She dresses like this no matter what the occasion. She loves the outdoors, as do I, and she hikes, bikes, and jogs in a blouse with the top buttoned. She dresses like this even in 100-degree heat. When she is doing nothing at home but sitting around, her top button is buttoned. And she dresses this way to sleep too! I have never seen anything like this before, but we’ve been close friends for five years now and she is unclear in her explanation. I don’t understand how she does this. I feel I’m being choked even if my top button is buttoned for even one second! I only feel comfortable in low cut or V-neck tops, preferably pullovers. I am not fully observant like her, but I do keep kosher at home out of necessity because we share a kitchen. I like wearing skirts or dresses most of the time for my own personal comfort, but not for religious reasons.

Dear Rabbi, Can you explain the significance of having a mezuzah on your house and its power to guard the household? Thank you!

Hi, Can a person do the mitzvah of shiluach hakein (sending away the mother bird) on the same nest more than one time? For instance, I did the mitzvah on the nest already but there was only one egg in the nest. Now it’s been 12 days and the mother bird is still sitting in the nest and there are 3 eggs there. Can I do the mitzvah again since it’s been a few days and there are more eggs, or will doing it twice be considered cruel to the mother bird? Thank you