can you wear a watch on Shabbos and if so can you take it off at night

Gentiles have to respect and honor orthodox Jews. This is absolutely true. But there are many secular Jews. Sadly, Many of the prominent atheists are Jews. For example, Sam Harris, who is one of the most popular atheists with Richard Dawkins, is Jewish. Do we Noahides honor him, because he is a Jew? Or do we have to despise him because he is an atheist? Thank you.

Rabbi, I would like to say both The Jewish Tefillin Prayer and a Good Moslem Prayer regularly in an effort to bring peace and prosperity to everyone. Question: Could you meet with me on Zoom Regularly to help me say The Tefillin Prayer regularly? I will ask an Imam to meet with me on Zoom regularly to help me pray a Good Moslem Prayer regularly. Thanks very much. Joe

Hello I am a non Jew and it has been brought to my attention that my people (the English) are destined for destruction in a great war against Ishmael which will bring about tikkun olam as explained by this Rabbi in the linked video clip. Is there anyway I can save my family and myself from this fate? Thank you for reading my question.

Thank you in advance for this resource and your time and knowledge. My questions are simple and I look forward to their answers. Can you provide a source solely from the Tanach for the following claims: 1) That Gd gave Moses two torahs -- the second one being the oral Torah; and, 2) That the Tanach gives Rabbis authority to interpret the Torah and rule over its meaning. These are very basic questions. However, no one has been able to correctly answer either one. Can you?   Many thanks. -Marci