HI am a female in my twenties and haven some question regarding standing during certain parts of prayers. 1. What is the reason for standing during some parts of the prayers? 2. Are women obligated to stand in Shul at certain parts of the prayer? 3. Is it considered transgressing when everyone stands and you sit? 4. Is the obligation to stand different at home and in shul? 5. Does it make a difference if you need to stand, if theres a mechitza in shul and you cant see the ark? Thank you for your time and for this forum!

Are the Hebrew letters Ayin and Aleph both pronounced as A? If so, can we use either one of them to write an A in Hebrew?

In V-Shamru, the words "the children of Israel" are written 2 different ways: 1st: בְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל 2nd: בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל Why is the first with a Vav and the second with a Bet? Should each be pronounced accordingly? I have always used the B sound for both.

Questions about pronunciation and meaning of some Hebrew words. Thanks for your help. Hebrew word Meaning Pronunciation שַׁבָּת Sabbath Sha-Bat שָׁבַת Sabbath Sha-Vat Why V sound vs B sound? מִמְקוֹמוֹ from its place Mim-komo Never heard as Mi'me-komo לִמְקוֹמָה to its place Lim-komo Yet for this word, some say Li'me-komo

Hi. Is one required to complete Shema by the latest time, or only to begin Shema by that time? Is there a difference of opinion? Thanks so much.

In שים שלום we ask "please give us ברכינו באור פניך וכו' bec. in the past you gave us through אור פניך a different list of good things e.g. תורת חיים ואהבת חסד. What happened to the original request טובה וברכה וכו'? What's the המשך? Why aren't we asking for תורת חיים and אהבת חסד? Why is the fact that it was used in the past grounds for granting it in the future?