Dear Rabbi, I am newly observant. My parents are close to 90 years old and my mother has directed that her body be cremated. I have tried to bring up this issue with no success. Do you have any advice for me? Perhaps you know of an article I can send them which may be easier than me speaking to them about it. Thank you.

Person's memorial plaque shows Oct 1, 1947 as date of death. The Hebrew year is 5708. It shows a letter (which is cut off; it might be BET) This is followed by a space and then דחוה׳מ סוכות Please explain what these words mean? What is the Hebrew date in Tishrei that this person died?

My husband is sitting shiva for his mother. This coming Shabbat is the last day. Is it permitted to have guests for Shabbat dinner?

May a person with a tattoo be buried in a Jewish cemetery?

Is renting a hotel as a place to sit shiva allowed? I have seen many people do it, but never anyone Orthodox. Though hopefully it is many years away, I realistically know we will one day have to sit shiva for a particular relative who is in a nursing home. Our house is not a practical place to have over tons of shiva visitors.

Question about having an aliyah during shiva week states that the mourner may not be called to recite the blessing over the Torah reading (Aliyah). My rabbi also follows that standard. If husband dies and leaves his wife, daughter and son-in-law, and grandson, am I correct that only the wife and daughter would be considered the mourners? If so, the wife and daughter would not receive an aliyah during the shiva week. Could the son-in-law or the grandson have an aliyah during the shiva week?

Moses died on the seventh of Adar. The Talmud proves this as follows- 1. In Deuteronomy 34:8 we read that the Jews mourned for thirty days following Moses' death. 2. The book of Joshua begins with G‑d's command to bring the Jewish people across the Jordan River. G‑d specifies that they are to cross in three days time. This instruction was given immediately after Moses died, meaning at the earliest possible opportunity after his death. This would have been following the thirty days of mourning. 3. In Joshua 4:19 we are told that the Jews crossed the river on the tenth of Nissan. If we subtract the three days between the command and actual crossing, plus the thirty days of mourning, we find the date of Moses' passing is the seventh of Adar. Your answer to one of my previous questions was that the month of ADAR always has 29 days, except when there are two months of Adar, then the first one always has 30 days. My understanding is that Sheloshim for 30 days starts after burial. Am I correct that Moses died and was buried on the same day? Did the Jews start mourning for Moses on the same day as he died? Thanks.