As far as I know a person who is in his shloishim after the loss of a parent even if the shloishim was cut back because of a Yom Tov that occured within the 30 days he is still a chiyuv as far as Davening as a Ba"al Tefillah is concerned. What happens if another person in the minyan has Yahrzeit for a parent, who takes precedence and should be Ba"al Tefillah?

I am a Noahide seeking an answer to the question, when if ever do you take someone off a ventilator? My 43-year-old son suffered a bad stroke this past weekend. The ICU doctors say he will never be able to come off the ventilator. He is not brain dead but has bleeding of the brain causing pressure within his skull. His mother (my ex-wife) wants the ventilator removed which will result in his death. She has the say so in the ICU concerning my son's treatments. Please advise what Hashem would want done in this situation?

I grew up in a shul where aveilim said all the kaddishes required by the nusach Askhenaz sidur. I am now in aveilus and daven at a different shul where this used to be the custom. Someone complained that it was taking too long, so the Rabbi canceled some of the kadishes. My question is: Should I go to two successive minyans in order to "make up" for the canceled kadishes?

Rabbi, I am a 70-year-old fit Jewish divorced woman who has had two heart attacks within a year. I light candles, partake in some study and observe all holidays. I have one son, single, 27, a mature physics PhD student who is now taking a more active role in his mother's life, a good relationship. I am no longer a candidate for stents and bypass and was told that I have 3 years to live. Rabbi, what questions do I ask myself to make each day count more?

Sivan 28, 5782. Our mother passed away recently. My brother lives in a region of the city far from where my sister and I live. He insists that the shloshim ceremony shall take place in the synagogue near where he lives, in the morning, because in the afternoon there’s no minian. My sister and I would like this ceremony to take place near where we live, where there’s always a minian. We can’t get to an agreement. What shall we do?

the day of the kvura was May 16 in the morning. what day would the shloshim come out. thank you

If a person was niftar during Adar of a regular year, when does one observe the yohrzeit during the leap year (Adar I or Adar II) ?

How soon after the death of a brother can I have an aliyah? Also when is the first yahrzeit? Is it the anniversary of his death or the day he was buried?