I am a 78 year old man who has Jewish ancestry on my mothers side. I was raised a Christian. But have spent the last 5 years living ad a Noachide. Studying Torah etc. and some Hebrew. I am absolutely convinced that I should return to where I am supposed to be. Because of Covid, I have been following Shabbat online. Is this possible?

Dear Rabbi, I’m a 15 year old male that was raised as a Muslim, and I have started looking into Judaism and I really feel like that it’s the right way for me. I know that I am still young and might not be able to properly understand but I have been reading the Torah while also learning about the religion by watching rabbis on YouTube and researching on different sites. I am writing this to ask about conversion to Judaism; how, when and what do I need to do and learn in order to convert. I’ve also heard that Judaism doesn’t encourage conversion and it could please elaborate on that as well. I know that you get asked this same question many times so I hope I’m not wasting your time. Best regards, *My name withheld

My father is Jewish from birth, but my mother had a reformed conversation. I was raised as a Jew, going to temple every Shabbat and to Hebrew school. I have always considered myself a Jew. Only after I grew up did I learn the truth that I am not officially a Jew because the conversion my mother had is invalid. I very badly want an Orthodox conversion as soon as possible. I spent a lot of time around Orthodox Jews growing up and I already know how to practice Orthodox Judaism. But I have some questions. 1.) Do I get a head start in the conversion process, such as in the amount of time it takes? Or are the rules exactly the same for me and all other prospective converts? 2.) I had a bris when I was 8 days. Does this bris count? Or do I have to be circumcised again?

Dear Rabbi, I have been pondering for sometime now, and no amount of convincing will change my mind. I want to be a Jew. But I am uncircumcised, and all the online advice for Jewish male converts regarding circumcision are for those who already have been circumcised. The very least I could learn would be what it would cost to get a mohel who operates on adults. As I have very little money and need to plan this in advance, to make sure I could save the money. Or if perhaps I could take it into my own hands and circumcise myself, like Avraham did.   Sorry if this question is a simple, or has already been answered. But I really would like some advice.   Thank you, A future Jew

I’m trying to convert to conservative Judaism, but I’m not sure how to do it properly. I’ve started studying the Torah and learning Hebrew but I feel like I need some tips to know what's next and what rules to follow.