If a person is profoundly disabled, physically and mentally, can they be converted to Judaism? Immersion in a mikvah and a course of study would both be impossible, but we wish to bury the person (who was adopted) in a Jewish cemetery with family.

Dear Rabbi! First, I want to send you all best wishes for the New 5780. year! In past Holy days I realized that after 7 years of learning how to be a Jew, building my life on 613 commandments and Jewish laws, I have to make it official. Just to let you know, I am circumcised and I chose my Hebrew name. But, I can't practice Jewish traditions because, no one, except my family, sees me as a Jew. I need to know: What to do now? There is no Rabbi near me. All I know, I know by reading so many books about Jewish life and Jewish traditions. I want to serve Him as best as I can, so I need help. Thank you! With all due respect, (Name withheld by for privacy)

Shalom I am sure you have been asked this question time and time again. I am hoping to receive the answer I am looking for. My grandmother met a Jewish man. My grandmother then converted to Judaism prior to getting married. My mother was then conceived and born. She went to Hebrew school and practiced Jewish traditions. I am looking for G-d. I have been reading about Judaism and would like to know. Am I Jewish? Would I be accepted by the Jewish community if my grandmother was a convert? Thank you for your time.

I was raised being told I was Jewish, but when I grew up and wanted to marry a Jewish man, I learned that I wasn’t because my father is Jewish and my mother isn’t. In 2012, I had a conservative conversion. In 2015, after being married for 2 years already, I had an orthodox conversion. But I still wasn’t fully observing Shabbat or keeping kosher at the time. I just wasn’t ready then and needed more time. But now I am fully observant. Do I need another conversion in order to be considered a full Jew according to Jewish law since I wasn’t observing right away? I want to know before I have children. I have since moved far away from and lost touch with the rabbis who converted me.

why didn't jews try to convert prople to judiaism