Matrilineal descent: If a mother is Jewish, then her child is Jewish. Patrilineal descent: That determines whether a person is Kohen, Levi, or Yisrael (Israel). Correct? What happens if the father is Israel and the mother is a bat Kohen (daughter of a Kohen)?

Hi, what is the definition of "frum" and what determines if you are "frum or not?" Thanks

My question has multiple parts. Is one allowed to set an alarm clock to ring on Shabbos? If the Alarm Clock has a small pod that vibrates, is that allowed? Is the vibrating pod allowed to be under the pillow on Shabbos? If the alarm is set to ring on shabbos, is one allowed to turn the volume down before it starts ringing? If the vibrating pod is set to go off, is one allowed to disconnect it from the alarm before it starts vibrating (there is no electricity going to the pod when it's not vibrating)?

If a soldier is missing in action, since there is no body but there is still a chance that he is alive, what is the rule regarding sitting shiva and a funeral service? Especially if his parents think that he might still be alive?

I have a question. I don't understand 2 things. First, why did the Jews begin the 490 years countdown of Daniel 9:24-27 when the first temple was destroyed (Jewish calendar 424/422BC or Gentile date 586 BC) instead of the "decree" of say Cyrus or another figure in Daniel's immediate future to rebuild (536 BC or so)? Is there something in the Hebrew I'm missing? Secondly, I don't understand why or how the Jewish calendar for the date of the destruction of the Temple is so different in the Jewish calendar than the Gentile one - a difference of 164 years or so. I understand that there is roughly 490 years from the destruction of the first temple to the second in AD 70 based on the Jewish calendar (and that is how you understand the 490 years), but I don't understand why the 490 years begins at the destruction of the first temple and not with Cyrus, and I don't understand why the Jewish calendar is 165 years off from the other. Any help would be appreciated.