Is Aleph the “Eye Opener”?


Psalms 119:18: “Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold ‘pala’ (Pei~Lamed~Aleph) things in Thy law.”

Aleph declares His self in “pala.” Indeed He is the “eye opener” so that we can see His “emeth” – Truth.



  1. It is true that the letter ‘aleph’ is the first letter of the word ’emet.’ This is because the letter ‘aleph’ has the value of 1 in the system of numerical values called gematria. The letter “aleph” represents the Oneness of God.

    There is a book called “The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet” by Rabbi Munk, which I think you would thoroughly enjoy. It is published by ArtScroll Publishers.

    Best wishes from the Team