Dear Rabbi, In Judaism, what is holiness? Thanks so much!

If a mother has a large percentage of Ashkenazi ancestry, but never practiced Judaism, is she still a “Jew”?

The Hebrew words for blessing (בְּרָכָה) and swimming pool (בְּרֵכָה) have the same root and spelling. How are the two related?

What exactly was the ephod? Was it only worn by the priest? And lastly, if so, Why was King David wear it? How did it work?

I understand what it means to be Jewish if you believe in Judaism, but can you have Jewish blood even if you don't believe in Judaism or the Jewish holy books? Is it possible to separate the race from the religion, or do they go hand in hand?

Dear Rabbi, With the current war that Israel is fighting, I hear a lot of talk about teshuva. What does it mean and who is it for? Thanks

I was just offered a modeling job for men’s apparel. I am supposed to put them on briefly for photo shoots. Some of them might have shatnes, but I have no way of knowing. What should I do about this?

Dear Rabbi, What is the Jewish definition of “love”? Thank you

Rabbis, Thank you for your time! I'm just a gentile who's very interested in Ancient Hebrew, pre and post Exodus, history. What is the meaning of the term Anshe, when referring to 'a Mighty Warrior?'