Three Types of Gerim (Converts) Reference


Learning Midrash Tanchumah , in Parshat Yitro , I found a reference regarding 3 types of gerim (converts ) that is explained in Midrash Naso, I assume it means Midrash Raba Parashat Naso , but I could not find it. Could you help me by telling me where exactly in Midrash Raba Naso is that explanation about gerim ? Or send me an image of that page ?

Toda rabah , Shabat Shalom ve Chag Sameach !




  1. I apologize, but I went though the Midrash Tanchumah (both the Defus Varsha and the Defus Buber), on both Parshat Yitro and Parshat Naso, and I could not find the reference that you are citing. If you could send an exact source, I will be happy to try to look into it again.

    Best wishes from the Team