Smoothie Stand: Kashrut Supervision


Dear Rabbi,

At the pool where I take my kids in the summer, there is a juice and smoothie stand. They are not under any kashrut supervision. They only use fresh fruits and milk, coconut milk, sugar, and honey with kashrut symbols and equipment such as knives and blenders that have never been used anywhere else. They are very nice and will openly show you how their operation works if you ask. Lots of Orthodox Jews come to this pool and say it’s kosher because there can’t possibly be anything wrong with it. What’s the scoop on that?

Thank you



  1. In theory, it does not sound like a problem and everything that is prepared sounds Kosher. If the people manning the stand are Jewish and if they can be relied upon to be completely honest, it is okay to buy there. However, if they are not, there may be kashrut issues that seem relatively innocuous, but are not.

    For example, if they are using grapes. Fresh grape juice has the same kashrut status as wine and has special requirements. The people who squeeze the grapes or blend them in the blender need to be observant Jews, otherwise it cannot be consumed. This is so even if a small amount of grape juice is being added to a larger smoothie or squeezed fruit drink.

    Even if there is no grape juice at the stand, there is a potential issue with the knives that are used to cut lemons and limes and the like. You wrote that the knives are used only at the stand and only for cutting fruits, but how certain are you? If, for example, one of the workers used the knife to cut his salami sandwich, the knife is now meaty. If that knife is then used to cut a lemon, the lemon is then considered to be meaty as well.

    I wish you and your family a refreshing and kosher summer!

    Best wishes from the Team