Origin of Noisemaking for Haman


What is the origin of the tradition to make noise whenever the name Haman is read?



  1. The following is taken from the OU site:
    The origins for making noise at the mention of “Haman” during the Megilla reading seems to originate in the Midrash which teaches us that we are required to verbally disgrace and curse the name of a wicked person each time it is mentioned. The source for this idea derives from the verse: “The name of the wicked will rot”.[4] In fact, disregarding the opportunity to degrade the name of a wicked individual is viewed by some halachic authorities as a Biblical transgression.[5] The Jerusalem Talmud instructs us to conduct ourselves in this manner as well.[6]

    It is also suggested[7] that banging at the mention of Haman is actually alluded to right in the Torah.[8] Commentators note that the wording the Torah uses in commanding us to wipe out Amalek is essentially a form of the words “to bang”.[9] It is also noted that the gematria of the words “Meche Emche” (wipe out) is the same as “Zeh Haman”.[10] In some communities, there was even a custom to make noise when mentioning Haman in the course of the silent shemoneh esrei![11]

    [4] Mishlei 10:7

    [5] Midrash Rabba;Vayera, Esther Rabba 7

    [6] Megilla 3:7

    [7] Levush O.C. 690:17

    [8] Devarim 25:2

    [9] Imrei Pinchas, cited in Rei’ach Hasadeh 1:14

    [10] Mateh Moshe 1006

    [11] Yalkut Minhagim 199

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