Conveying the Truth of Orthodoxy


Hey rabbis, I know somebody who was born non Jewish but converted under the auspices of a conservative rabbi and thinks he’s Jewish. For context He calls himself “non binary” (as in not a man or woman for gender) and is dating a man. He says that he’s Jewish because most Jews in America are not orthodox. How should I explain to him and other reform/conservative people why orthodoxy is a better form of Judaism to conservative/reform



  1. Personally, I am not sure that your acquaintance will listen to you. I have no idea why he felt the need to convert but Halachically he is not Jewish. Will that mean anything to him? I doubt it. He has been sold a package deal that does not require any fealty to Jewish Law or to Hashem and, perhaps most importantly, has no impact on his way of life. To explain to him why what he has done is not correct and has no theological validity will, presumably, make no sense to him because he has been “taught” otherwise.

    In any event, the only way to show anyone the truth of Judaism is by living one’s Judaism with a passion and excitement. I always tell my Talmidim and Talmidos that they shouldn’t expect anyone to be passionate about Judaism if they are not passionate about it themselves. Aside from that, there is a plethora of excellent reading material for anyone interested enough to want to read about Judaism and the truth of Judaism.
    For example:
    Masterplan by Rabbi Carmel
    Anatomy of a Search by Rabbi Dr Tatz
    Living Inspired by Rabbi Dr Tatz
    Permission to Believe by Lawrence Keleman
    Permission to Receive by Lawrence Keleman

    Best wishes from the Team