Dear Rabbi, I understand the reason for married women covering their hair is modesty, yet today a lot of the sheitles (wigs) woman wear are nicer than their real hair. I think the wearing of make-up can be viewed in the same manner. It improves the person's appearance - doesn't this contradict the laws of modesty?

Hi, Is it true that if someone embarasses someone it’s as if they spilled blood?

Sha'atnez is a mixture of wool and linen. The Torah forbids wearing any clothing that contains both wool and linen. Why not? What is so special about wool and linen? Please explain this prohibition. Are there other mixtures that also cannot be worn? Thanks.  

Dear Rabbi, What is the significance of hair? Why does Judaism seem so concerned with it? Women cover their hair, men have peyot (sidelocks), and boys have their first haircut at age three... Thank you

What is the basic Jewish idea regarding modesty, especially regarding clothing?

Why is giving charity to the poor such an important principle in Judaism?

Hi Rabbi, would you please tell me the reason (or reasons) for blowing a shofar on Rosh Hashana? Thanks!

What is the hardest part about being a Rabbi?