Hebrew names: Please may I have a list of the names of the prophets in the Tanach, written in Hebrew, with vowels for easy pronunciation.

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. If one's bedsheets are filthy with old zerah stains, and they are dry but they smell a little, would it be permitted to learn Torah silently, and/or daven in the presence of these sheets? If not, are there any lenient opinions who say it is permitted? Thanks a lot.

can you wear a watch on Shabbos and if so can you take it off at night

Gentiles have to respect and honor orthodox Jews. This is absolutely true. But there are many secular Jews. Sadly, Many of the prominent atheists are Jews. For example, Sam Harris, who is one of the most popular atheists with Richard Dawkins, is Jewish. Do we Noahides honor him, because he is a Jew? Or do we have to despise him because he is an atheist? Thank you.