From the answer to my previous question it appears mourners can’t use depilatory cream on the it is shaving. My question is if non mourners can’t shave their Peyot why can they use the cream, what’s the difference betwwwn the two

Dear Rabbi, I was watching news about Israel and some young men with long, thick sideburns were being interviewed. Is this a fashion statement or is there an authentic Jewish reason for it? Thanks

When I see a photo of North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un and his haircut that starts way above his ears, I wonder why Judaism teaches that we should not cut off our sideburns. Thanks for any info.

Dear Rabbi, What is the significance of hair? Why does Judaism seem so concerned with it? Women cover their hair, men have peyot (sidelocks), and boys have their first haircut at age three... Thank you

When I see a photo of North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un and his haircut that starts way above his ears, I wonder why Judaism teaches that we should not cut off our sideburns. Thanks for any info.