Dear Rabbi, I heard that it’s a tradition to visit, pray and say Psalms at the Tomb of Rachel, our Matriarch. Why would doing this be especially significant? Thanks!

In Genesis when Jacob and his family settled in Goshen, how many years were they free -- before they became slaves to a new leader?

I read that holy shekhinah dwells on the Torah scholar. Then stronger shekhinah dwell on the greater Torah Scholars like Rambam or Ramban? What is the function of Shekhinah on Torah Scholars?

If God is not a man, who did Abraham feed while he was in his tent in Genesis?

Greetings, I have been looking at the lives of Jacob and his children and cannot find any information about the age at which Benjamin and Dinah died. Are there any records that shed light on this? Thanks

Abraham was the 1st Jew. When did Abraham first receive the Jewish soul? At the time of birth? Or when he find out the only living God, HaShem?

Genesis 49:31 says, "There (the cave of Machpelah) they buried Abraham and his wife Sarah, there they buried Isaac and his wife Rebecca, and there I (Jacob) buried Leah." I remember reading in the Torah about the deaths of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Sarah, and that Rachel died and was buried on the way to Bethlehem. Where in the Torah does it mention the deaths and burials of Rebecca and Leah?