I would like to offer the firstfruits from my garden to God as a thank you for the abundance He has given me. To whom should I speak to? I donate most of what I grow to the local food pantry which I am the president of. By the way; I am Catholic. I know the giving of firstfruits was confined to the seven items grown in Israel during the time of the Second Temple, but I grow none of these. I grow pickles, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and squashes. I understand that 1/60 of my harvest should be given. I want to give God what is due to Him, that is pleasing in His eyes. God has been VERY generous with me. I should try to be as generous. Shalom

What is the Halacha pertaining to draft dodging? On one hand, one is required to obey the laws of the country where they live. At the same time, one who refuses to serve is avoiding putting oneself in a dangerous situation.

I would like to present a class to a group of women on Shabbos about whether one should ask forgiveness to having bullied when younger because asking forgiveness can bring up old and painfull memories to the bullied person you want to ask forgivenss from.

I am scrupulous to give at least 10% of my income to tzedaka. There are a few local Jewish charities I like to support. I have been giving all my donations once a month on a single day in order to make things simple, plus I have some autopay donations. But I recently heard that one is supposed to give tzedaka daily except on Shabbat and Yom Tov. Is that really true? Or are the monthly donations sufficient?

Dear Rabbi, I’m at an early stage of considering becoming observant in Jewish lifestyle and practices, but something is on my mind that I think holds me back. If I go ahead and follow Jewish Orthodoxy, will I be looked down upon as a “second class citizen” by others who were born observant? Maybe this shouldn’t bother me, but it does. Thank you

hello so im very confused about weather im jewish or not, so on my mothers side my grandmother swears to the upmost degree that were jewish and even her brother is a practicing jew, (sorry if that sounds offensive). she claims that we have been jewish as far as we go back, but her grandmother (my grandmothers grandmother) was adopted from germany in the 1800's and no records exist. she says that she was jewish from birth, my mother and her sister(my aunt) have hebrew names and my cousins (my aunts children) have hebrew names and have had there bar mitzvahs in israel. my mother says that her grandmother was a lutheran. im very confused and it feels very disingenuous to claim that im jewish with that much doubt.

I know that the hour of the day you were born has significance to your mazel and type of person you are. I am having a hard time calculating what hour I was born. I was born in the summer. End of tammuz at 5:10 pm. Which hour is that?

There is a middle aged woman in the community I can’t stand. I wish I could have nothing to do with her, but she always turns up at social gatherings where I am and bothers me. At least once a month it seems, she ends up at a Shabbos meal where I am invited. She knows many of the same people I do. How can I avoid her and get her out of my way without speaking lashan hara about her?

Suppose a person claims they need money for a particular reason and you donate them money. Then you find out later they were deceptively lying and didn’t need the money. Have you still fulfilled the mitzvah of giving tzedaka?