Offerings as Thanks for Abundance


I would like to offer the firstfruits from my garden to God as a thank you for the abundance He has given me. To whom should I speak to? I donate most of what I grow to the local food pantry which I am the president of. By the way; I am Catholic.

I know the giving of firstfruits was confined to the seven items grown in Israel during the time of the Second Temple, but I grow none of these. I grow pickles, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and squashes. I understand that 1/60 of my harvest should be given.

I want to give God what is due to Him, that is pleasing in His eyes. God has been VERY generous with me. I should try to be as generous.




  1. What a beautiful desire! To thank God for His abundance is such a fundamental concept and yet, unfortunately, so many people seem to take His blessings for granted.

    Personally, I would suggest that you either give your produce to your local food pantry as you have been doing up until now. Alternatively, if there is a market for your produce, you could consider selling it and then donating the proceeds to a charity that helps others in distress.

    Best wishes from the Team