1. How do Rabbis make money if not affiliated with a shul? 2. What is a shadchan? 3. Can a gay man become a Rabbi? 4. Are Kabblah organizations related to Judaism? 5. How many names does G-d have? 6. Do Orthodox Jews believe in the evil eye/Hamsa hand? 7. Do Orthodox Jews see the hamsa as a symbol of protection? 8. What is midrash? 9. Is there room for belief in evolution in Judaism? 10. Are all fruits and vegetables considered kosher?

Why doesn’t G-d feed the poor? Do Jews believe in sinning? Is there only one G-d? What’s the purpose of sitting shiva? How do Jews feel about dogs as pets? Do Jews believe in an afterlife? What is Kaddish? What is the Jewish take on abortion? Do Jews tend to be more liberal about political matters or more conservative? I’ve heard that some single women light 1 candle on Shabbos and some light 2. What is customary?

If you are setting up a kosher kitchen, can you wash the different sets of dishes in the same sink or dishwasher? If a non-Jewish man marries a Jewish woman are their kids still considered Jewish because she is? Why doesn't Judaism encourage conversion? Which is a holier day, Shabbat or Yom Kippur? If a person is medically unable to fast for Yom Kippur or other fasting days what is the most appropriate way to observe the day? Is there any guideline on how long a couple should date before being engaged? Similarly, is there a set amount of time a couple should be engaged before getting married? Can a single man light shabbat candles if he has no wife and does not live with female relatives? Is it acceptable to politely tell a married (observant Jewish) woman she looks beautiful as a compliment? (For example, at a special event or gathering) What does Havdalah represent?
