10 Miscellaneous Questions


Why doesn’t G-d feed the poor?
Do Jews believe in sinning?
Is there only one G-d?
What’s the purpose of sitting shiva?
How do Jews feel about dogs as pets?
Do Jews believe in an afterlife?
What is Kaddish?
What is the Jewish take on abortion?
Do Jews tend to be more liberal about political matters or more conservative?
I’ve heard that some single women light 1 candle on Shabbos and some light 2. What is customary?



    1. God gives to the rich so that they can help support the poor. Interestingly enough the Sages teach that the poor are doing a bigger favor to the rich by allowing them to support them than the other way around!
    2. Yes, absolutely. In fact, the wisest of men – King Solomon – writes that there is no such a thing as person who lives in this world and does not sin. However, together with the sin there is always the potential to repent and to return to a state of purity.
    3. Yes.
    4. To allow those mourning to begin to deal with their emotions and to internalize the loss.
    5. There is no problem with owning a dog. However, it is not the norm in the religious communities due to certain problems that could arise with owning a pet dog on Shabbos.
    6. Yes. The Afterlife is absolutely fundamental to Jewish theology.
    7. Kaddish is the prayer that is recited by mourners. What is fascinating is that it has nothing to do with death – it is a testament to God’s Majesty in the world.
    8. Under nearly all circumstances it is forbidden to abort a fetus. There are very few exceptions to that Law.
    9. Jews are no different from the rest of the world. There are those who are more conservative and those who are more liberal. In general, the religious community are more conservative.
    10. Generally, a single girl living at home does not light Shabbos candles because her mother fulfills her obligation to do so. However, among the Chabad Chassidim there is a custom that each unmarried girl lights one candle.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team