Isaiah was the greatest of the Hebrew prophets but little is known about him. If he was such a great prophet, why is his personal history unknown? Joel, Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Malachi are entirely unknown figures; possibly some are pseudonyms.

1 Chronicles 5:1: Now the sons of Rueven, the first born of Yisrael, but for as much as he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Yoseph the son of Yisrael: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright. Would you explain the impact this would have on the sons of Rueven? Would they have any inheritance? Did the sons of Yoseph have double the inheritance?

…does a Third Temple have to be built before sacrifices can resume in Israel - or can sacrifices resume at the correct (holy of holies location) on the Temple Mount without building a Third Temple ? if the answer is “yes” to question 1, then, what’s keeping construction from beginning tomorrow on the Third Temple ? – politics, Muslim control of the Temple Mount, or something else ?   Charles A. Rabalais

is it true that the ten grandsons of haman that got together in bnei brak? 1. where is story recorded? is it true after mordechais win she was metgayer and married an ehrlich man in beni brak? what is the source for this medrash? 2. how many kids did ketura have and what names and countries were they? also, is it true that the gifts of the far east ie nemerology and astrology and yoga and chinese medicine were given by avraham to ketura when he had to send her away. which were the specific gifts of the far east he gave her, and where is the source of this medrash?

What does the Dunamis power mean and can you give me historical information ? Dunamis power raised Jesus from the dead ... so was wanting a Hebrew understanding - more than from Strongs or Young’s referencing does that make sense?

I have a question. I don't understand 2 things. First, why did the Jews begin the 490 years countdown of Daniel 9:24-27 when the first temple was destroyed (Jewish calendar 424/422BC or Gentile date 586 BC) instead of the "decree" of say Cyrus or another figure in Daniel's immediate future to rebuild (536 BC or so)? Is there something in the Hebrew I'm missing? Secondly, I don't understand why or how the Jewish calendar for the date of the destruction of the Temple is so different in the Jewish calendar than the Gentile one - a difference of 164 years or so. I understand that there is roughly 490 years from the destruction of the first temple to the second in AD 70 based on the Jewish calendar (and that is how you understand the 490 years), but I don't understand why the 490 years begins at the destruction of the first temple and not with Cyrus, and I don't understand why the Jewish calendar is 165 years off from the other. Any help would be appreciated.