Hi I wanted to know if shamanic drumming is prohibited in halacha. People have told me that it is considered avoda zara. I was also wondering about chanting "om" while meditating to transcend to a higher subconscious. Thank you.

Could it be seen as being provocative, or anti-Palestinian, choosing to wear a Magen-David in this current climate?

My great-Grandmother was Jewish; but I was not raised that way. My practicing friends tell me Jesus was not the messiah because he did not do what messiah is supposed to do. I am confused/ignorant because I do not know what the requirements are. I want to know because I am a thinking man and try to live honestly, even though I am not observant. Please educate me. Thank you.

What was Eliza trying to achieve by placing his stick on the woman's son? Was it a ritual, a healing act, or something else entirely? What is the meaning of Eliza's act?

Shalom Rabbi, The realm in which HaShem lives, is where we all earnestly do mitzvahs, however; is earth not a mere image of the realm? The difference is having skin, but the exact choice to serve our Creator is the same. Whether we have skin or not, the soul is always to choose the Torah. Is it then that whether live continues here on earth or in the realm we call heaven, we will always have a choice? Choice never ceases correct?