How do I know for sure if I married my beshert, if I married the right person? Is it possible to have what one perceives is a happy marriage with someone, only to be unaware that they married the wrong person than whom G-d has intended?

Through a database, I’ve been matched to a stranger who needs a kidney. I would like to donate one of my kidneys and save a life. But my wife is pitching a fit. She is upset that I am giving up so much for someone I have never met and will probably never meet and won’t have a kidney to donate if a family member needs one. I have tried to get everyone I can think of to talk to her, but she hasn’t changed her mind. She says she will divorce me if I do this. What is the right thing to do?

Are the rules of a wedding night the same if it’s a second marriage for the woman? Is there such a thing as niddah? Should you be trying to line up wedding with period the same way as you do for first marriage?

Book Research question: Levirate marriage. Easy to find and understand the basics. I am looking for info regarding the cultural practices of the Saul-David era. What I am wondering and cannot find is once the heir is born, what exactly is the standing of the levirate wife and husband, socially, legally? What standing/position does the son have? Is he excluded from inheritance laws of the biological father since he is considered the son of his ima’s deceased husband and inherits his land and wealth? How would the community see this situation? Would mother and son be treated with honor or humiliated or looked down on, considered less? There’s not much to go on regarding the aftermath, what life was actually like for the mother and child after the legal transaction was complete. It probably depended on the husband I suppose. What I can glean seems like it was very different for Ruth than for Tamar, and Abigail, if indeed David’s offer was of a levirate nature, another situation entirely. I would appreciate any insight you may have on this topic to shed light on the cultural realities of the ancient practices. תוֹדה רבּה לך

I know the Gemara says that one should look at the brothers of a girl to know what the children will be like, but what about a girl who is an only child? Who will her kids be like?

Dear Rabbi Jesus told a parable about 10 virgins, some who didn't have enough oil when the bridegroom came at midnight. Can you please explain what is meant by this part of the marriage tradition? Thanks. Jonathan