Dear Rabbi Jesus told a parable about 10 virgins, some who didn't have enough oil when the bridegroom came at midnight. Can you please explain what is meant by this part of the marriage tradition? Thanks. Jonathan

Hello, I am a woman who is past menopause. I have not had a period for well over a year. Due to menopause, my vaginal walls are thin. I am on a hormone replacement therapy for this and other issues related to menopause. After relations with my husband I had a little spotting. Am I required to go to the mikvah since the cause of the bleeding is not from my menstrual cycle? Also, if doing a bedikah check may also cause bleeding. Please advise. Thank you.    

Dear sir Jesus tells a parable using a picture of 10 virgins going with oil lamps to meet a groom. The groom comes at midnight. Can you please explain what part of a first century Jewish wedding this refers to? Thanks. Jonathan

Is it permitted to marry a hermaphrodite in Jewish law? Can a hermaphrodite marry?

Some Jews have the minhag to fast on day of wedding as it is analogous to Yom Kippur when sins are forgiven. Does this minhag include other Yom Kippur restrictions like melacha and bathing etc. or just fasting?

Is chuppah an actual obligation, or just minhag? Is it biblical or rabbinic? Also is there a minimum height of the chuppah?